My sylphs would bear upon a perfumed breeze
My pale beloved to Oriental seas
And build her there a throne
Of novel splendor, wondrous far beyond
Atlantis, where the king of fairies' fond
Retainers crowd his own.
Then ardor, frenzy, study, poetry!
Let the ambrosial ocean's rapture be
Our fiery spirits' slaker!
There I could be, suffused with alien might,
Creator of an absolute delight,
More artist than the Maker!
Aux mers de l’Orient, dans une île embaumée,
Mes sylphes porteraient ma pâle bien-aimée,
Et lui bâtiraient un séjour
Bien plus miraculeux, bien autrement splendide
Que celui qu’habitaient, dans la molle Atlantide,
Le roi de féerie et sa cour.
Amour, enthousiasme, étude, poésie !
C’est là qu’en votre extase, océan d’ambroisie,
Se noieraient nos âmes de feu !
C’est là que je saurais, fort d’un génie étrange,
Dans la création d’un bonheur sans mélange,
Être plus artiste que Dieu !!!…
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Rodomontade 37-48
With all the elements my armory,
Djinn, vampire, dragon, hob would come to me,
Saluting him they'd crowned.
I'd steal the richest phosphors from Hell's stores,
Transfiguring my eyes to meteors,
Hurl terror all around.
I'd bear away the pretty chatelaine
Whom, in his stronghold, deep in his domain,
A jealous wretch immures
Since that accursed day, when to his hall
Returning early from the hunt, withal
Discovered me in hers.
Djinn, vampire, dragon, hob would come to me,
Saluting him they'd crowned.
I'd steal the richest phosphors from Hell's stores,
Transfiguring my eyes to meteors,
Hurl terror all around.
I'd bear away the pretty chatelaine
Whom, in his stronghold, deep in his domain,
A jealous wretch immures
Since that accursed day, when to his hall
Returning early from the hunt, withal
Discovered me in hers.
Pour arsenal j’aurais l’élémentaire empire
Le gobelin, le djinn, le dragon, le vampire,
Viendraient tous me
saluer roi.
Je prendrais à l’Enfer ses plus riches phosphores,
Et, métamorphosant mes yeux en météores,
Partout je darderais
J’enlèverais alors la belle châtelaine
Que, dans un château fort, centre de son domaine,
Retient l’ire d’un vil
Depuis l’heure damnée où, dans la salle basse,
Plus tôt que de coutume arrivant de la chasse,
Il me surprit à ses
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Rodomontade 25-36
Speck that I am, dream not that to some church
To fourscore-year-old priestly feet, I'd lurch
Repentant, blithe, distraught;
Nor run, St. Bruno's cult to reinforce,
In passion fine, bedecked in sackcloth coarse,
Scalp tonsured, spine arch-wrought!
No, I would delve into hermetic thought
Seek out, by night, some fallow trackless spot
Where God would hear my jeers;
On whirlwinds of vile magic taking flight,
Call Lucifer, trade soul against delight
For some few thousand years!
To fourscore-year-old priestly feet, I'd lurch
Repentant, blithe, distraught;
Nor run, St. Bruno's cult to reinforce,
In passion fine, bedecked in sackcloth coarse,
Scalp tonsured, spine arch-wrought!
No, I would delve into hermetic thought
Seek out, by night, some fallow trackless spot
Where God would hear my jeers;
On whirlwinds of vile magic taking flight,
Call Lucifer, trade soul against delight
For some few thousand years!
Ne croyez pas qu’alors, pénitent débonnaire,
Dans une église, aux pieds d’un prêtre octogénaire,
J’advolerais tout éperdu
Ni qu’en un beau transport, affublé d’un cilice,
J’irai de saint Bruno renforcer la milice,
Dos en arcade et chef
tondu !
Non, non. Je creuserais les sciences occultes :
Je m’en irais, la nuit, par des sites incultes ;
Et là, me raillant du
Je tourbillonnerais dans la magie infâme,
J’évoquerais le Diable...... et je vendrais mon ame
Pour quelques mille ans
de bonheur !
Monday, July 7, 2014
Rodomontade 13-24
He said, "Oh, why is my dear mother's faith
Nothing but thimblerig, chimera, wraith?
Why was he never real,
That Jesus, keystone, beacon of our age?
Why does his Gospel, on its every page,
Its scorn of truth reveal?
Were firmamental signs and sigils able
To bring my arrogance to trust the fable
Of Christ the Nazarene;
To prove Jehovah more that some vain ghost,
Should there appear an archangelic host
Before the feeble, mean,
Nothing but thimblerig, chimera, wraith?
Why was he never real,
That Jesus, keystone, beacon of our age?
Why does his Gospel, on its every page,
Its scorn of truth reveal?
Were firmamental signs and sigils able
To bring my arrogance to trust the fable
Of Christ the Nazarene;
To prove Jehovah more that some vain ghost,
Should there appear an archangelic host
Before the feeble, mean,
Il disait : Oh ! pourquoi le culte de ma mère
N’est-il que jonglerie, imposture, chimère !
Pourquoi n’a-t-il jamais
Ce Jésus, clef de voûte et fanal de notre âge !
Pourquoi son Évangile est-il à chaque page
Contempteur de la vérité
Si, dans le firmament, des signes, des symboles,
Amenaient ma superbe à croire aux paraboles
Du charpentier de
Nazareth ;
Si pour me révéler à moi, débile atôme,
Que le grand Jéhovah n’est pas un vain fantôme,
Un archange ici se
montrait ;
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Rodomontade 1-12
Third Night: Rodomontade
Against the massive arch he leaned alone,
That ancient Roman bridge, whose wanton stone
The waves' caress is robbing.
The night-star's luster limned his Dantean face;
His giant mantle fluttered out of place
From Boreas's sobbing.
Thick-skulled, fawn-haired - to look, one might surmise—
The neck's well-muscled, leonine turn, the eyes
Hard, eloquent and hollow,
The features bright with irony and pride—
That this was the wild elemental guide
Storms and volcanoes follow.
Nuit Troisième – Rodomontade
Against the massive arch he leaned alone,
That ancient Roman bridge, whose wanton stone
The waves' caress is robbing.
The night-star's luster limned his Dantean face;
His giant mantle fluttered out of place
From Boreas's sobbing.
Thick-skulled, fawn-haired - to look, one might surmise—
The neck's well-muscled, leonine turn, the eyes
Hard, eloquent and hollow,
The features bright with irony and pride—
That this was the wild elemental guide
Storms and volcanoes follow.
Nuit Troisième – Rodomontade
Il était appuyé contre l’arche massive
De ce vieux pont romain, dont la base lascive
S’use aux attouchements
des flots :
L’astre des nuits lustrait son visage Dantesque,
Et le Nord dérangeait son manteau gigantesque
Avec de sauvages
À voir son crâne ardu, sa fauve chevelure,
De son cou léonin la musculeuse allure,
Ses yeux caves, durs,
Ses traits illuminés d’orgueil et d’ironie,
On l’eût pris volontiers pour le rude génie
Des tempêtes et des
Saturday, July 5, 2014
Neuralgia 25-40
Oh! Would that, like a wind-enamored sprite,
DEATH, seated softly on a cloudbank, might
Descend, from far-off space, even to me,
And make her pedestal this balcony!
My eyes, afire, would lock her empty gaze,
I'd hungrily embrace her, blood ablaze,
And with her thus imprisoned, dare to place
A tender kiss upon her icy face!
Oh! Would that, like a wind-enamored sprite,
DEATH, seated softly on a cloudbank, might
Descend, from far-off space, even to me,
And make her pedestal this balcony!
My eyes, afire, would lock her empty gaze,
I'd hungrily embrace her, blood ablaze,
And with her thus imprisoned, dare to place
A tender kiss upon her icy face!
Oh ! si, comme une fée amante de la brise,
La MORT sur un nuage avec mollesse assise,
Descendant jusqu’à moi du haut de l’horizon,
Venait pour piédestal élire ce balcon !…
Mon œil s’arrêterait ardent sur son œil vide,
Je l’emprisonnerais dans une étreinte avide,
Et, le sang tout en feu, j’oserais apposer
Sur sa bouche de glace un délicat baiser !
Friday, July 4, 2014
Neuralgia 17-24
The vertigo comes down at last. My soul,
I feel, annihilates itself. I'm cold.
I sit before my window, with my brains
In stupid leaden rest. Across the panes
I ponder, with a ghastly, tranquil sight.
The moon, perched on the holy temple's height
Appears, kerchiefed with light, russet and pale--
The specter of a nun with bloody veil.
Ce vertige à la fin tombe..... et je sens mon être
S’anéantir : - j’ai froid - et, devant ma fenêtre,
Je vais m’asseoir ; le plomb d’un stupide repos
Emmantèle mes sens : à travers les carreaux,
D’un œil horriblement tranquille, je contemple
La lune qui, juchée au faîte du saint temple,
Semble, sous le bandeau de sa rousse clarté,
Le spectre d’une nonne au voile ensanglanté.
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