Monday, December 23, 2013

Neuralgia 1-16

It turns out that grad school is time-consuming. Who knew?

Second Night: Neuralgia


A single thought pursues me to my bed
And every night holds sway inside my head.
No opiate-soaked charm, however deep,
Could suffocate this withering fiend in sleep.
At hearing's edge, a feeble voice and low,
Like gasping of old men who finally go
To death, intones, "Poor fool, be iron ever.
She'll never love you. Never, never, never!"
Ashiver, then, I bolt upright and pierce
The dark around with long regard and fierce;
I lurch about the room...that "never" sounds
Within my chest - dire tocsin! - and rebounds.
And then, a fiery wind breathes out its whole
Corrosion, twisting my convulsive soul,
For in my fevered plight, I have no doubt
It's me that, in their bed, they laugh about!



Jusques à mon chevet me poursuit mon idée
Fixe : toutes les nuits j’en ai l’âme obsédée.
Pour noyer au sommeil ce démon flétrissant,
Des sucs de l’opium le charme est impuissant.
Au seuil de mon oreille, une voix sourde et basse
Comme l’essoufflement d’un homme qui trépasse
Murmure : Pauvre fou ! sois d’airain désormais.
Elle ne t’aimera jamais - jamais - jamais !…
Alors, tout frissonnant, je saute de ma couche ;
Autour de moi je plonge un long regard farouche ;
Et je vais saccadant mes pas..... et dans mon sein
Le terrible jamais vibre comme un tocsin !
Et puis, d’un vent de feu l’haleine corrosive
Vient courber, torturer mon âme convulsive :
Et je me persuade en mon fébrile émoi,
Que, dans l’alcôve, on parle, on rit tout bas de moi !…


  1. Ten a day would be hard to keep up--very glad to see it's still coming along!!

  2. I think this one is particularly natural sounding and clear: This is valuable work you're doing! I hope you sometimes write your own verse also, and especially hope you write your own rhyming verse.
